Who we are

Welcome to Sahesemu, a distinguished school dedicated to the education and formation of young priests. Rooted in a tradition of excellence, Sahesemu is committed to nurturing the spiritual growth, intellectual development, and pastoral skills of our students. Our institution serves as a beacon of light, empowering future shepherds to embrace their sacred calling with unwavering devotion and compassionate leadership.

At Sahesemu, we offer a comprehensive curriculum that integrates rigorous academics with spiritual formation. Our programs are designed to provide a well-rounded education encompassing theology, philosophy, pastoral ministry, liturgical formation, and canon law. Through a balance of intellectual inquiry and practical training, we equip our students with the knowledge and skills necessary to serve the Church and their communities effectively.

Our distinguished faculty members are accomplished scholars, theologians, and experienced pastoral practitioners. They provide personalized guidance, mentorship, and intellectual nourishment to our students, ensuring a transformative educational experience. With their guidance, Sahesemu cultivates an environment of intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and spiritual maturity.

Sahesemu holds firm to the belief that the call to priesthood is a divine invitation to serve God and His people. We strive to ignite a deep sense of passion, compassion, and humility in our students, enabling them to become dedicated shepherds who lead with love, wisdom, and integrity. Through our emphasis on service, we instill in our students a commitment to selfless giving, social justice, and the alleviation of human suffering.

Our Background

Sacred Heart Seminary Mubende is a secondary school, privately owned by Kiyinda-Mityana Diocese and is found in Mubende Municipality, along Mubende – Kakumiro Road after Mubende Regional Referral Hospital.
Sacred Heart Seminary was founded in 1984 by Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala the first Bishop of Kiyinda-Mityana Diocese. School started in the Seminary on February 1, 1984 with 36 students. But the Seminary was officially opened on June 29, 1984 by His Excellency Archbishop Karl Rauber, the then Apostolic Pronuncio in Uganda. The specific purpose of Sacred Heart Seminary Mubende is to help boys who seem to show the initial signs of vocation to recognize this vocation more easily and clearly and to respond to it. Among the many objectives of the Seminary one is to help seminarians to have a clear idea of Priesthood, the work it entails and the virtues it requires.
Central to our mission is the formation of the whole person. Sahesemu is not only an academic institution but also a close-knit community that fosters deep bonds of fraternity and support. We believe that spiritual growth thrives in an environment of shared experiences, communal prayer, and authentic relationships. Our students benefit from a supportive network of faculty, mentors, and fellow seminarians who journey together, encouraging each other along the path of discernment and formation.
Our distinguished faculty members are accomplished scholars, theologians, and experienced pastoral practitioners. They provide personalized guidance, mentorship, and intellectual nourishment to our students, ensuring a transformative educational experience. With their guidance, Sahesemu cultivates an environment of intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and spiritual maturity.

Our Mission

To Train Catholic Boys to become Priests and Responsible Citizens

Our Values


Why choose us

  • We have faithfully served our Objectives as an institution for 40 years now! Sacred Heart Seminary, Mubende is a Catholic Institution beyond the ordinary. It is a nursery in which young men are watered and cared for, as though seedlings, in order to go take the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world in the near future.
  • Doing one’s Discipleship is a universal call by Jesus Christ our Master. Respond to Jesus’s call by joining us as a parent, an old boy or as a friend that wishes this Seminary well.