Welcome to Sacred Heart Seminary, Mubende, where boys who show initial signs of vocation to the Holy priesthood of Jesus Christ are helped to recognize this call more easily and clearly, and to respond to it.

Founded in 1984 by His Grace (then), now Cardinal Emmanuel Wamala, the first bishop of Kiyinda-Mityana Diocese, Sacred Heart Seminary, Mubende has since proved her self worth a place for Training future Catholic Priests and Responsible citizens.

School started in this Seminary on 1 February, 1984 with 36 students. But the Seminary was officially opened on 29 June, 1984 by His Excellency, Archbishop Karl Josef, Rauber, the then Apostolic Pro-nuncio in Uganda. The Seminary has now in her 40 years life span trained close to 100 Catholic priests and enormous number of responsible citizens who serve the Church, our country Uganda and the whole world at large.

Vision & Mission


To Train young Boys to be Morally upright, intellectually sound, physically fit and socially acceptable individuals to become priests and responsible citizens


To Train Catholic Boys to become Priests and Responsible citizens


Amorem Confirma

Our Objectives:

To help the student have a clear idea of the priesthood, the work it entails and the virtues it requires.

The spiritual objectives
(a) Teach the student his duties towards God, his neighbour and himself.
(b) Help the student, through prayer, study and reception of the Sacraments to form his character in accord with Christian principles.
(c) Train the student to worship God more effectively by an active participation in the liturgical life of the Church.
(d) Help the student form a strong will for doing good.
(e) Foster the student’s desire for the priesthood.
(f) Develop qualities of leadership and responsibility, so necessary in the student’s future life.

The intellectual objectives:
(a) Prepare the student for advanced study.
(b) Help the student develop his ability to think correctly and to arrive at truth and to develop methods and habits of study.
(c) Teaching the student to analyze, evaluate, and communicate his ideas.
(d) Instill an appreciation for science and art in their various forms.
(e) Give the student an awareness and understanding of the physical world in which he lives.

The social objectives:
(a) Give the student an insight into the society and community of which he is a member.
(b) Teach the student about the heritage that has come down to him, that he may better understanding and profit from our present culture.
(c) Give the student an understanding and love for his country and its government, his rights and duties as a citizen of Uganda.
(d) Teach the student those social amenities expected
of a cultured person.

The physical objectives:
(a) Develop a healthy, and properly coordinated body.
(b) Teach the student proper habits of hygiene.
(c) Give the student a sense of the dignity of the human body and the sacredness of work.


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